This is my family, my life!!!!

Drew Michael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Makyna Reese

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Kynlee Blake

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

My Babies

My Babies

Growing way too fast!

Growing way too fast!

Kynlee Blake 9-20-15

Kynlee Blake 9-20-15
Sweet Baby Girl

So Sweet!

So Sweet!

Joys Of My Life!

Joys Of My Life!

Precious Angels!!!!

Precious Angels!!!!
Our Sweet Little Boy!

Sweet baby girl!

Sweet Baby Girls!

Sweet Baby Girls!

Makyna at Opryland Hotel!

Our Sweet little Girl!

Our Sweet little Girl!
I am getting too big!

My Sweet Angels!!

My Sweet Angels!!
Lord, always keep your hands on them!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Polar Express Train Ride

Saturday morning we took Drew on the Polar Express Train ride!!
They got to wear their pj's!
He got to see Santa and rode the train from Nashville to Lebanon and then back!!
Watching the train models go around the tracks!!
I bet this is an expensive hobby!!
Waiting to board the train!

Tiff, Drew, Mitchell and Kristin before we boarded!

Boarding for Drew's 1st train ride!!
Waiting patiently for the train to start going!
So cute in his pj's!
I love this picture!
Kristin and I picked out the same kind of pj's!
Great minds think alike, hahah!!
Big Dave waiting patiently also!!
Are we moving yet!!!!
Here we go!!!!!
Cousins, Dave, Craig, Drew and Trevor!!
Drew and Dave!!!
Rest time!!!
Looking at the view!!!
Showing Uncle Dave some love!!!!
John helping the boys!!! Such a good dad he is!!!!
Lisa reading to Drew and Michael!!
Aren't they sweet!!!
Here comes Santa!!
Dave resting his eyes!!
This picture has a story. When Mitchell saw Santa he hide under the seat, Drew decided to join him there!!! They are so funny and such fun!!!!
Once again, waiting patiently!! Such a good boy!!!
Drew loves Santa!!!
Santa caught Dave napping!!
Dave, Drew and Santa!
Nolen and Trevor with Santa!!
Drew followed Santa down the aisle, I love it!!!
Santa's elf giving Drew a gift!!
Drew hugging his snowman, look at his face!! So sweet!!
Kristin and I!!!!
After we left the train ride we went by the fire hall to see "Big Daddy"
Check out our little elf and his ears, Tony loves putting his hat on like that!
He thinks it is funny!!
Drew loves going to the fire hall to see "Big Daddy"
My boys!!!!
Dave checking out the rims!!! So silly!!!


The Bates Girls! said...

Aw so sweet I wish I could have been there! Oh wait I could have been if KK had told me she had an extra ticket! J/K kk I still love you!

Kristin said...

OH HUSH Marty! HAHA Next time you'll be the first I call! ;0) Great pics! I just did something kind of scary! On the pic of you and I cover our faces up from the nose down! We def. have twin eyes smiles! HAHA Love you!