Saturday was Tony's birthday. He and Derek went horse back riding all day and then we took him out to dinner at Willstan's Grille in Lavergne. It is kind of like an Old Charleys in a way!! They have really good food. We had a great time!!
Saturday afternoon, Tiff, Drew and I went shopping at J C PENNEY to try and order baby girls bedding.
Drew got a little fussy, so Tiff gave him all these stuffed Poohs and Tiggers to hold. He was so cute just rolling around in his stroller holding them. Well when we went to put them up he got so upset and as you can see he came home with Tigger. He spent the night with us and had to have Tigger Pooh (so cute that is what he calls Tigger) sleep with him. When I was rocking him, (which is my favorite thing to do), (rocked my babies till they would not let me anymore), in my lap was Drew, a pullow (he says it so cute), a blankie, Tigger Pooh and his cup of milk. My lap was full, would not trade that time for nothing. I just love it!!
On Sunday he had to take Tigger Pooh to church with us. In the afternoon we got out his gator and Tigger Pooh took naps in the back of the gator while he drove it around the yard. He was so excited, he rode it in the very front yard so I kept the wheels turned so he would just go in this really big circle. He would ride a minute and then get out and run with the dogs and come back to check to see if Tigger Pooh was still asleep and then look at me and say "My having fun." I just loved it!!! Sunday was so nice, I think I am getting spring fever!! Tiff and I sanded down Darryl's old twin bed and started painting it for Drew since little Makenna Reese Glover will be taking over the crib come June. It was a great day!!!!
Tony and his little buddy posing for a birthday picture!!
Can never get Tony to smile when I am taking his picture!!
Do you think maybe he does not smile on purpose? haha!!!
Drew loves his Tigger Pooh!!!
He took his nap with him.
Such a sweet little face!!!!