The next thing I wanted to log is Tiff called me this morning and last night Drew officially slept in his big boy bed by himself all night. Now Tiff on the other hand did not sleep well at all. He did not even cry when he woke up he just called out "Mommy". I know for a lot of you this might not be a big deal since your children might have always slept in their beds. The Glover boys on the other hand have always slept with mommy and daddy, mostly mommy. Not telling what age my boys were when they decided they could take on this task on their own. haha!! I never minded though, those years passed by too quickly for me as it was!! Tiff and Darryl are hoping it will keep up since he is such a lite sleeper and we only have a few months before sweet little Makyna gets here!!
One more thing, the official spelling of her name is Makyna Reese Glover!!
Darryl did not like it with an (e) and Tiff did not like it with an (i), so they compromised with a (y).
He sure does love those ears..Congrats Tiff and Darryl on the new bed sleeper !
I found your blog from The Harnist Family blog. I enjoyed reading about your family.
Praising Him,
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